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AETCH BASE is a high end street fashion and lifestyle brand. HBASE is formed by three people; the CFO LARIOS, the chief editor and second designer KRUL Vanderlei and the curator, designer and web designer retired graffiti artist Adyor Vanderlei. This triangle of connections is what keeps HBASE together each is needed to form the perfect trinity. AETCH BASE's designs and lifestyle are modeled after the greatest reason to do anything or be anything, our muse is GOD. We try to introduce the morals and way of living that Christ set forth for us to live 2000 years ago as written in the Torah, the Old Testament and New Testament that form today's Bible. God has blessed the HBASE trinity with gifts that when put together form the AETCH BASE model. Life is rare and a very precious unique gift so we treat all our designs that way in only printing 50 of each design forcing the market to realize the scarcity in the designs we bring to the market place. With each design  print run as a limited edition it parallels our life as a precious limited (time) or (edition) God has given us scarcely. God loves all. We love all- AETCH BASE x VOLTA SEVEN    

